samedi 17 septembre 2016

How To Tie Dye A Shirt 

ie color shirts are practically as American as crusty fruit-filled treat. It's difficult to be dismal while wearing creatively colored hues — particularly in the event that you embellish with your most loved rainbow loom wrist trinket! 

While a few directions recommend utilizing string I find that elastic groups work the best. In any case, the most vital thing is that you have a fabulous time setting up an old tee for its change into a rainbow perfect work of art. 

Step 1: The shirt, fit to be colored! 


The shirts that work best are 100% cotton, yet you can likewise utilize half cotton/half polyester. The outcomes won't be as dynamic. I once attempted to color a 100% polyester piece of clothing and when it was unwrapped - all the color washed off! The colors just bond well with regular fabrics, similar to cotton, silk and rayon - yet we're talking cotton here.... 

Step 2: Showing your decision of colors 


You can purchase color packs effectively in the specialty stores, which accompany all that you require. They incorporate elastic gloves, elastic groups, pop fiery remains, urea and complete, simple to take after directions. The colors are as of now in the press bottles, you should simply add warm water (not hot). Different choices incorporate purchasing single bundles of colors. These additionally accompany the essential urea, pop fiery remains and guidelines for blending. Be that as it may, you would need to buy some press bottles independently in the event that you don't have any. 

In spite of the fact that I have utilized units, I want to utilize the Procion colors as supplied by Dharma Color. They have an incredible site where you can purchase all you require. colors are the best and brightest colors, I completely suggest them. In the event that you blend the color powder yourself be that as it may, dependably wear a veil with the goal that you don't breathe in the powder into your lungs. 

Step 3: The instruments you will requirement for achievement 

On the off chance that you resemble me and not utilizing a pre-bundled unit, you will require the accompanying; Procion color, elastic groups, elastic gloves, press bottles for the color, urea and pop cinder, substantial ziplock sacks, a tub for splashing the shirts, and a wooden dowel or something comparative for making the turn in the shirt. A channel and a measuring brief are additionally helpful for blending the color. Gracious yes, keep in mind to have paper towels and paper plates to hold your shirt while it's being colored, and old clothes to clean up the spills. Creatively coloring does not need to be muddled! 

Step 4: Drenching the shirt 

To empower the Procion colors to bond with the shirt, you have to absorb it an answer of WARM water and pop fiery debris for around 10 minutes. Take after the directions given with the pop fiery debris so you have the right blend. Try not to utilize water that is excessively hot or excessively frosty - and include several tablespoons of basic salt to the blend as well!! Ensure the blend is altogether broken down before including the shirt. The temperature of the water ought to be about the same as an infant's shower! As the pop fiery remains is marginally acidic you might need to wear elastic gloves now, particularly in the event that you have a cut on your finger - it will sting! In the wake of splashing, wring the shirt out completely. The more fluid that you can press out, the more color will have the capacity to get in! I for the most part turn my shirts on the twist cycle of the clothes washer. (Note-in the event that you utilize a fresh out of the plastic new shirt, wash it first to evacuate the originality, which I think they call "size". This "measuring" will keep color from holding legitimately, and you may get a streaky impact.) 

Step 5: Tying a rainbow whirl design! 

After you have doused and wrung out the shirt (coincidentally, in the event that you don't do it in the clothes washer, have a go at wringing it out with a companion!) place the shirt on a level surface. Place it right side down, as you will then get a more honed example on the front of the shirt. Obviously in the event that you need the more keen example on the back - well, you know! 

Place the dowel bar, (or your finger, or a wooden garments pin) in the focal point of the shirt and begin turning clockwise until you have a pleasant level pie shape. You can likewise turn counter-clockwise on the off chance that you lean toward, it has no effect truly. 

Step 6: Accomplishing Pie! 

This what your shirt ought to look like at this stage. Try not to permit the shirt to crawl up the dowel bar, make it act with the hand not turning the dowel pole! You are currently prepared to evacuate the dowel and put on the elastic groups. The trap is to put the groups, without aggravating the shirt! It should be possible! Be watchful expelling the dowel. You would prefer not to pull the shirt up in the center - along these lines unachieving pie! This a player in the process is the most imperative stride of all. Trust me in the event that you do a messy "tie" you will accomplish a messy and untidy "color" and live to think twice about it. 

Step 7: Join the band! 

With your dazzling pie shape accomplished, you can now put on the elastic groups. Slip a few groups on (see the photo) then turn the shirt over and put on some more. This keeps its shape. Keep the entire thing as level as possible. Your are currently prepared to color! 

Step 8: To color for 

While doing the really passing on bit, you should cover your working surface with plastic. Something like a plastic table material will work fine. You likewise need to wear old garments, old shoes, and so on. The colors will recolor your garments, the floor, the dividers, the roof, and so forth. So in the event that you are not working outside please try to remain watchful. The colors are innocuous to your skin, yet in the event that you don't wear elastic gloves you will accomplish red, yellow or blue colored hands, which won't wash off (wears off in two or three days - yet can be an amazingly humiliating!). Likewise be prepared with the clothes to clean up spills. When I blend the colors I ensure that the tops are on tight and I additionally wipe the screw top and jug neck to maintain a strategic distance from "hairlike activity". I have additionally purloined some of my significant other and child's old white socks and chop them down to fit over the containers, which stems unplanned breaks! 

Clue: there is an item called Reduran, which can be bought online from Dharma, which expels color from the skin right away, so you don't need to endure "rainbow hand" disorder! 

Step 9: Really utilizing the colors 

Place your shirt "pie" on several thicknesses of paper towels on top of a paper plate on your plastic ensured working surface. It's less untidy, and simple to flip the entire thing over when passing on the opposite side. Wear elastic gloves! 

Only a note: When I creatively colored I generally just utilize three hues, Fuchsia red, turquoise and lemon yellow. With these three hues you can make any shading you like. To make the rainbow twirl shirt, envision that your "pie" is a genuine pie diagram! Working from the focal point of the shirt and holding the jug low over the shirt, color 33% of the shirt lemon yellow. Try not to wave the container around as you will make a wreck! Color the second third of the shirt fuchsia red and the last third turquoise. Try not to leave any white spaces indicating - the "white" is stowing away inside the folds! In the event that you cover the hues at the edges of every segment you will get the other rainbow hues, i.e. green, purple and orange! It's enchantment! 

Clue: Dependably put yellow - (or other light hued colors) on first. When you "lose" or cover it up by error - it is changed to something else (either orange or green) and you can't get it back. 

Step 10: Turn the pie over! 

When you have wrapped up the color on the main side, turn the entire thing over. This will be anything but difficult to do on the off chance that you simply flip the plate over onto another paper plate with clean paper towel all prepared for you. Toss the principal paper plate and towel away (tidy up as you come at whatever point conceivable). Apply the color on this second side in a comparable way. On the off chance that you are making the rainbow whirl, you should make sure to put the three hues behind the same hues you utilized on the opposite side (i.e. red behind red, blue behind blue, and so on.) On the off chance that you don't do this, you won't get a rainbow winding, yet a kind of rainbow bug design (which is very decent really!) 

Step 11: Now comes the crucial step - holding up! 

After you have finished putting the color on the shirt, pop it into a zip lock sack and seal it up tight. Put the pack in a warm place and abandon it for No less than 24 HOURS! The color needs this time span to "demonstrate" and permit the lovely hues to truly security with the fabric. For you edgy "have-it-nows," you can unwrap following 8 hours. Be that as it may, you can likewise leave the shirt for whatever length of time that 36 hours on the off chance that you are exceptionally persistent. On the off chance that you abandon it any longer I have found the hues go kind of fluffy (don't know why). When you unwrap your shirt wear elastic gloves and old garments once more. Try not to make a wreck! 

Step 12: Unwrapping your perfect work of art - wear elastic/latex gloves! 

I adore this part! This is the minute you have been sitting tight for. It's a great opportunity to unwrap and find your excellent (we trust) creation for all to see. Remove the shirt from the pack! You can either take the groups off in the first place, unwrap and begin running the shirt under a chilly water tap, or simply keep running under the tap for some time and afterward take the groups off! Be careful, on the off chance that you have never creatively colored you will be astounded at the measure of color that spills out as you are flushing. The water may turn dark! Dread not, this is typical. All the color you so affectionately connected will never bond with the fabric. Enough color will stay, well and genuinely reinforced. 

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